
Niš on the map of world ophthalmology

Dedication, tradition and high standards put CLINIC MAJA to the top of the eye profession, whereby Niš is typed in capital letters on the map of world ophthalmology. Professionalism and care of the eye surgeon team with over 20 years of experience, clearly places the ophthalmological Clinic Maja as a leader in the treatment of eye diseases and eye conditions not only in Serbia, but also in the region and beyond.

The official confirmation of our quality arrives in November when Clinic Maja from Niš will host the international symposium “WORLD OFTALMOLOGY IN NIŠ”. The symposium will be held on 11. November 2016 and it is a program that is accredited by the Serbian Health Council. International cooperation, numerous research and innovations regarding equipment, methodology of treatment and prevention of eye diseases will be presented during the symposium.

In addition to the hosts, Dr Maja Živković and Dr Marko Zlatanović, the symposium will be attended by Prof. Dr Ioannis Pallikaris, who is considered the father of laser surgery, and also prominent professors from the prestigious Columbia University in New York (Prof. Dr Tongalp H. Tezel and Prof. Dr Gulgun Tezel).

Professors from significant universities from Turkey and Greece, a large number of domestic experts, and well-known eye doctors from regional countries will also expose their achievements. They will present expert lectures in the field of eye surgery, cataract, glaucoma, child ophthalmology and many other professional areas.

The interest of the professional public is high, the symposium will gather about 300 experts from a large number of countries. The latest stories and world trends arrive in Serbia, Niš will be the capital of ophthalmology that day.